السبت، 15 يونيو 2013

Beautiful Mercedes cars



This is an overview about
Maybach may be the greatest luxury car in the world and it has not produced to be an extension of His Excellency in the possession of some salons, but it lays the foundations for the same state Excellency an independent Chksahgar viable imitation or copying
It's Maybach, which is worth only Maybach
This car is available Medil are 62 and 57 and shows Osmhama the Toulhma former length 6.2 m 5.7 m and the second
And the length of the first wheelbase 3827 mm and 3390 mm ​​second
The distinction can be made, including through the limits of the rear door of the car
And made ​​Maybach five cars a day with their ability to meet the needs of the largest ... and the ability to ask for car purchase 1,000 customers around the world, particularly the United States and Asia
The Maybach logo symbolizes double (MM) to the phrase "Maybach manufactur"
The price of 200,000 euros just does not
The time required depends to wait for the customer to receive his car to his requests to the specifications which is usually 3 months and may extend to 6 months!!
Is to contact them to follow up on their cars
When the need for maintenance, the car moved from one country to the center of customer maintenance and is contact them and follow-up

Look several pictures of the Maybach

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